After making fun of the NC snow for years, I have been sufficiently humbled. While taking Parker to pre school, we hit some ice and spun out and crashed into a brick wall. Luckily my car is not totalled. We are down to one car for a while it's being fixed, but that is not a big deal! We are just lucky to all be ok.
While it was happening, I was totally calm. After we crashed, I got Parker and Lady calmed down, called Jon and the police, and got things under control. About 40 minutes after the crash, I suddenly remembered that I was pregnant and got super nervous about the baby. I called a few friends who lived near the scene of the accident but couldn't get hold of anyone to get Parker while Jon and I went to the OB/GYN. Then I TOTALLY lost it!! The shock of the accident hit me and I was getting really anxious wanting to go to doctor. I was screaming like a crazy person. Luckily I got hold of Ashlee and she took care of Parker for us. The baby is totally fine. Phew!!! Thanks Ashlee for saving the day! (Like always!)