Welcome to my fan page!

Sorry, please ignore my baby, he's part dinosaur.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Owen 1 month

Owen is 9lbs and 22 inches!!
-hates his carseat and would rather die than be in it.
- wants to be held constantly. Ktan has saved my life.
-wears some 0-3 and some newborn clothes and newborn diapers... Something Parker never did!!
-sleeps 4 to 5 hours at time at night
-breastfeeding every 2.5 or 3hours
-sleeps in a bassinet in our room
-loooves soothie pacifiers

It has been a really rough month. He had so many doctor appointments at first due to a rare skin disorder (he's fine now) and not gaining enough weight (fine now) and some concern about his vision (fine for now).... So it was exhausting and scary but mainly exhausting.

Parker is adjusting well. I miss him. I used to spend 24/7 with him. Jon has kind of taken over Parker duty. Parker seems fine with it though.

I am really struggling with the two kid thing, but I'm slowly getting better at juggling everything. We will get there!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

One week to go!

Parker and I had an awesome "date" today. We took advantage of a summer kids movie promotion- our tickets, 2 icees, and 2 popcorns were only $5! Afterwards, we went out and got lunch together. We went with some friends so it was even more fun! I am glad that we got a little last hurrah. I know things are going to be much more difficult in the weeks and months to come.

I can't believe that in one week we will have another baby. I am so excited and nervous. Parker and I have a pretty good groove and i will miss that. As he gets older though, I know he really needs a sibling. He is such a caring and social little guy and some kids just are just designed to need other kids. From the time he was about 8 months, I could tell that Parker needed interaction with other kids the way most people need oxygen. He is forever trying to get the dog to do puzzles and games with him. He knows that the baby won't be able to do stuff for a while, but I think he's ok with that. He loves babies and is always seeking them out and playing peekaboo with them!

I am really excited to have a new little guy to snuggle and get to hold. I actually LOVE the newborn/baby phase (its 1-2 that I don't like) so I am getting really, really excited. Nervous, too, because I am such a worry wart. I don't know what I think will happen, but this whole pregnancy has been full of me fearing the worst. I can't wait until the baby is out and I can lay eyes on him and make sure he is breathing.

This has been a rough pregnancy and I am sorry I have complained my way through it. I know better but I have been in so much pain that I didn't really think outside myself. I would have probably unfriended myself 5 years ago.

Wow this has turned into a rambling post. I guess I am getting sentimental with the end being so close!!

Saturday, March 21, 2015


Parker says he has a baby in his tummy too. It's a girl named Pluto. Now after every meal he says" now Pluto is eating the food in my tummy!" Hahaha

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


After making fun of the NC snow for years, I have been sufficiently humbled. While taking Parker to pre school,  we hit some ice and spun out and crashed into a brick wall. Luckily my car is not totalled. We are down to one car for a while it's being fixed, but that is not a big deal! We are just lucky to all be ok.

While it was happening, I was totally calm. After we crashed, I got Parker and Lady calmed down, called Jon and the police, and got things under control. About 40 minutes after the crash, I suddenly remembered that I was pregnant and got super nervous about the baby. I called a few friends who lived near the scene of the accident but couldn't get hold of anyone to get Parker while Jon and I went to the OB/GYN. Then I TOTALLY lost it!! The shock of the accident hit me and I was getting really anxious wanting to go to doctor. I was screaming like a crazy person. Luckily I got hold of Ashlee and she took care of Parker for us. The baby is totally fine. Phew!!! Thanks Ashlee for saving the day!  (Like always!)

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day continued

Seen in Durham

Valentine's Day festivities

Parker had a great time exchanging Valentine's with his class! I think I was more excited than he was. Valentine's Day is my FAVORITE holiday and I was so happy for him to experience all the fun with his friends.

Parkers preschool had a parent's night out so he got to celebrate even more with his friends, and Jon and I got a date night. We went to my favorite restaurant, Maggoanos, and walked around the mall and Jon got me some wooden roses from a kiosk.  Jon also got me a new mother's ring!! I had super cheap one with Parkers birthstone that was falling apart so Jon got me a new (not super cheap) one with the both the boys birthstone. I love it!!

We are watching a neighbor's kid tonight and we are going to make heart shaped mini pizzas and cupcakes for the kiddos. I am so excited!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Take a picture. It will last longer.

Yes, I am aware I am a twenty-something pregnant lady with a walker.

Just go with it.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Funny Baby O

Baby O loves to cram into corners of my stomach. I have woken up a few times because he is pushing as hard as he can into one side of my uterus.  It was SO funny to see him literally folded in half. Jon asked the ultrasound tech if he was really big and he didn't have enough room. The tech laughed and showed Jon all the room that O had available but wasn't using. Maybe he will like to be swaddled after he is born?

I felt like Parker had a distinct personality while I was carrying him, but then he was born and all he did was sleep and had no personality at all. So maybe O's preference for small spaces won't mean anything at all. Either way, I am so excited for him to be here with us!!


... at Sacrament meeting

Sunday, February 1, 2015

First is the Worst

Ugh. I hate brining my cane or walker somewhere for the first time, especially if it's somewhere I have been before sans assistive device.

People are nice. They care. They want to know what's wrong. (If you're just tuning in, I have polyarticular rhumatoid arthritis that kind of sucks at responding to meds). I am pregnant with our second child (YAY!!!!!) and my spine and hips are mad at me for growing a human inside myself.

Anyway. Assistive devices. It's just embarrassing.  Look me in the eyeball and tell me you wouldn't be embarrassed using a walker.


Saturday, January 31, 2015

Why do I even bother

I built him a blanket fort. He is now using the roof for a car ramp and won't go under it.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Life these days

Ugh. The past few weeks have been tough. Pregnancy has really taken a toll on my spine and hips, so getting around has been difficult. Luckily (?) I am not a stranger to parenting with mobility issues, so I have a few tricks up my sleeve.

It's hard with my growing bump to go out with my cane/walker, toddler in tow, and  feel like people are looking at me and wondering what the heck I am doing. Some days I really don't know. What I do know is that our family wasn't complete with the three of us.  I know people who have sacrificed much, much more to complete their families. So, bring on the sideways glances and aching joints. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to carry another knucklehead!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

V Tech Spin and Learn Globe

I am kind of obsessed with this toy. We got it for $9 at a consignment store and Parker has been playing with it since! He knows where a ton of countries are now.  I wouldn't recommend it for kids over 5 because the information is SUPER basic, but it's just right for my 2 year old! Also... I don't believe in spending $100 for a toy, so definitely buy it used!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Womp womp

I pulled Parker out of school so he could see Baby on the ultrasound. ... he spent the whole time spilling on the doctor's stool. 


Remember that time I tried to teach P to play candy land and potty train at the same time?

Womp Womp. I thought my head was going to explode.

He figured out how to play candy land but not use the toilet. Of course.

Acorn Drop

We rang in the new year with an Acorn Drop in our living room with friends.

Puzzle party

Parker is REALLY into puzzles lately. So far he can do 25 piece jigsaw puzzles on his own!

Sweet boy

A pillow and blanket for Giraffe, and Apple juice for Elephant.

Friday, January 9, 2015


I have been terrible about updating Ps baby book, terrible about updating this blog.. just terrible.
But here's a fun little milestone to jot down- he can finally say his own name! He has been calling himself Arper since age two and now six months later, he finally got it down. I am so proud!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Party animal

Happy New Year!


Lately Parker has been toting around my spare cane. I know I should be flattered, but it actually makes me super bummed.

This coming from a woman who cries when she sees someone walking their dog (aww how sweet), wants French fries at 10 am but McDonald's doesn't serve them till 11, etc. So I guess I am not exactly a reliable source of what is tear worthy, but...

Friday, January 2, 2015

Allow me to vent.

To Whom it May Concern:

I am writing to tell you about the disappointing experience I had at the ---- Target today. I was shopping in the women's department and using one of the courtesy electric wheelchair carts. Due to restocking, there was merchandise in several carts that made it very difficult to move around the department. My problem is that several employees watched me- literally watched me- struggle to move around the carts and eventually hurt myself moving them out of the way. They didn't offer to help, although they clearly saw me. The exact same thing happened about ten minutes later, when I discovered the only handicapped accessible dressing room to be full of spare clothing racks. Fortunately, a fellow customer offered to help, while again at least two employees stood and watched. I was annoyed, but also very embarrassed.

It is not easy being handicapped. It is not easy to ask for help sometimes. I realize I should have asked for help, but still, your employees should know better than to make a spectator sport of watching disabled people crash into stuff with wheelchairs.



PS- This is NOTHING compared to the time (about 6 months ago) I was yelled at by a Target employee after accidentally bumping into a display with my wheelchair. I was told that my reckless behavior could have hurt someone. Apparently, I need to take my business to a more handicapped accessible establishment.

Student teacher

Lady helping me teach Parker his shapes.