Welcome to my fan page!

Sorry, please ignore my baby, he's part dinosaur.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sweet dreams

Just as Mom was going to snap this picture of me sleeping, I gave a sweet little smile :-)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

7 months old

~I will be 7 months old tomorrow! Here's what I'm up to these days...
~I'm sitting up like a champ
~I'm still not crawling, but I roll around and army crawl if I want to get around
~The dog never ceases to amuse me
~I haven't quite figured out finger food, but still practice every day. The dog now hangs around my high chair all the time.
~I wear a variety of different sized clothing... mainly 12 and 18 month.
~I'm kind of bored being at home with Mom, but NBD :-)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Merry go round

I was not impressed.

In other news, I received a complaint that the pictures on my blog are blurry. Well excuuuuse me! First of all, Mom helps me run this phone off her smart phone. When she pays her bill. Second of all, you are always welcome to NOT MOVE TWO HOURS AWAY and then you could see me all the time and not rely on smart phone pictures to get your Parker fix.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

88 cents well spent

I have literally spent most of my waking hours the past few days playing with these Easter eggs that Mom put in a mixing bowl

I love getting into everything!!

A big thank you to Dr Harrell for not throwing us all out of his office today....

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sunny weather

I went to the park today with Mom and Dad. I tried out the swing and it was so fun!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Time to baby proof....

In the time it took mom to blink, I had made it across the room and got stuck under the tv stand.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Product review: fun flower high chair toy

I could play with this for hours, and it was the only thing that soothed my troubled soul after mom took away my BFF the balloon. Mom likes it because it sticks to my high chair tray and I can't throw it on the floor. She's totally cramping my style now that I'm trying to develop the concept of object permanency but whateves.

Bonus product review: The loaded baked potato soup Sister H dropped off. I didn't have any, but mom looked like she was dying of food happiness when she ate it. Thanks Sister H!

Star crossed friendship

Mom (rather short sightedly) blew up this balloon for me. She thought I would just bat it around. NOT. I love squeezing and biting it. If you take it away from me I scream and scream. Mom keeps saying something about it "popping"... what does that even mean?

Friday, March 8, 2013

Bye bye babies... last day of school

If you have been following my blog (probably not, its not very exciting) you may have caught a few glimpses of Mom in her chair. While her doctor is trying to figure out what to do with her, Mom is going to be staying home because its too hard for her to work. I'm going to be staying home, too. (Eek! Mom can't exactly walk... we will see how she manages taking care of my 20 lb wiggly self...)

This also explains why Mom loves robots so much... she's secretly is one!

Here I am, clearly oblivious of the fact that I'm going to be saying good bye to my teachers and friends.

If you are looking for daycare in the RTP area, ask my mom for the name of my center . We loved my daycare and we will miss everyone!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

My girlfriend

I don't know how many times I need to explain this, but her name is NOT REALLY BLUEBERRY. It's a nickname, and besides Mom doesn't want to post her real name on the blogesphere to protect her privacy.

Anyway, B and I had a date today at the mall to meet the Easter Bunny. I even gave her a big, slobbery kiss on her head!

Easter Bunny

I met the Easter Bunny today! I think my Mom was more excited than I was about it...